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Six Figures Academy

Let's put this simply, this course is designed to teach someone who has never touched a button in the stock market & make them into a money printer. (If you have experience in the market you could easily skip the first few videos you'll see.) The first step to making a dollar with some change is understanding leverage. Im going to show you how its done below!


Funded Trading

We work with a prop firm company that allows our students to take a test (once the online course is completed) to earn an account of $150,000. The first $10,000 you make will be paid in full then its a 90/10 split with the company. you keep 90% of the profit they keep 10%!


Example: $150,000 our students avg return is 5% a month totaling to $7,500.  you keep 90% = $6,750 they keep 10% = $750


The first 10k you make won't be split, its yours to keep!

Live trading 

Upon becoming a mentee in the DIY Six Figures Academy you will have access to our live trading calls every Monday - Friday along as the market is open! You can choose to follow along or watch in real time how I trade. On days the market isn't so hot we either take of or use the time to go over some questions!

Tax Advisory 

As a trader you will need systems in place to upload your tax documents appropriately, while also opening a trading LLC when the time is right. we will guide you along that journey during the tax season!


believe it or not this course you invest in is also a tax write off for education!

Online course

As a full time trader managing a 7 figure portfolio I've developed strategies that I wish I had access to during my early stages of trading. follow along the online classes to lean how you can manage a six figure portfolio to become a funded trader. This course is continuous meaning I add to it every month with live trades to learn from or simple tips and tricks to help with your trading journey! - X

Discord Community

This course will give you access to the community of traders who also are on the journey of being funded or are currently managing their portfolios. 

One on One Sessions

We have booking times available to sit down one on one wether its to review some trades, go over course material, or even help with setting up your accounts!

Our Funded Traders


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